Dr Afshan Hashmi Docuseries”

Dr. Afshan Hashmi's Docuseries in Podcast form:


This show is present on every available podcast medium in today's world. This show is syndicated to 300 million listeners

If you want to know where Dr Afshan Hashmi's Docuseries is syndicated

 as podcasts and TV show  please contact me at: afshan@drafshanhashmi

and I will send you the list via email free of cost.




Broadcast schedule of my TV show called Dr Afshan Hashmi's Docuseries on Talk 4TV

Wed 6-7 PM US eastern time


My show comes manytimes live as you can see on this link:


Broadcast schedule of my TV show called Dr Afshan Hashmi's Docuseries live on my Youtube channel, Facebook channel and X previously Twitter channel via streamyard platform:

Every other Monday at 6 pm US eastern time. Show will come two times in a month via Streamyard and then distributed worldwide to 300 million listeners via Talk4 Media. You can come here on these platforms if you want to interact live with me or leave comments. I love to interact with my audience.

Link to my You Tube Channel:


Link to my Facebook Channel:


Link to my Twitter and now called X channel:


This show is syndicated worldwide to 300 million listeners. If you want to sponsor this show please contact me at:


I will give you a very reasonable quote on price to sponsor. I am taking direct sponsorships.

The cost to do 30 min interview is quoted above. No free interviews will be given as to do show of this magnitude requires lot of money and time.

To know more details about the show please scroll down this page and read details of what this show is about.

Please see  some of my Docuseries videos: